Monday, September 7, 2009

Frustrated in Slackerville... sort of OR can I have a Mulligan?

Well, we are behind... already. Even though I understand why, I find it depressing. Last week Brian had four days off, which only left us three days for school. You might have noticed the "blog silence". On those three days I wasn't getting much sleep and was feeling pretty off anyway. So for most of those days we went for the "fun factor". So now I am a little frustrated. I know we did school over the summer, so its not as though we are in danger of not doing enough school for the year. But I hate getting off track.

At first I thought maybe we should try to cram two weeks worth of school into this one week. But honestly, that makes me tired and overwhelmed. I can only imagine how the kids would feel about that. Instead, I think we are just going to have a catch up week this week and get back on track next week, just a little behind.

I think I tend to schedule us as though we don't have a real life where people get sick, or have unforeseen circumstances. I schedule us for the ideal circumstances, and then when real life happens (as it always will) I feel defeated somehow. So, to remedy this, I think I am going to start scheduling some catch up weeks into the schedule. If I loosen up the scheduling, then when something happens I won't be scrambling for what we are doing. If we don't need to use the catch up week, I can just stick a random unit study in there.

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